Cheers to Alabama 200
August 2020
The growing craft-beer scene in Alabama has been brewing a way to pay homage to Sweet Home Alabama's bicentennial. The Alabama Brewer's Guild (ABG) began this project in 2015, with the release of the St. Stephens Stout and will finish with the final beer releasing in 2019, the official bicentennial year. The last beer launched this year 2019, for the final bicentennial year celebration with our now capital, Montgomery!
Thirty brewers gathered together to create a series of five beers, one representing each of Alabama's past five capitals:
St. Stephen's Stout (Capital: St. Stephens, 2015)
An American Stout brewed with Alabama-grown wheat. Benefits the Old St. Stephens Historical Commission
Badlun Brothers Imperial Porter (Capital: Huntsville, 2016)
The James and William Badlun started the first known commercial brewery in Alabama in 1819. ABG knew the brothers made a 19th century porter, so they brewed a porter with molasses, which was common for the time, making it an imperial for a modern palate. Benefits the Alabama Constitution Village Bicentennial Restoration Fund
Mulberry Road Belgian Style Dubbel (Capital: Cahaba 2017)
Mulberry trees lined the road to Old Cahawba and inspired this brew. ABG brewed a Belgian-style dubbel (rich and complex beer) matched with the sweet mulberry fruit. Benefits the Old Cahawba Archaeological Park.
Duffie's Tavern Strong Ale (Capital: Tuscaloosa, 2018)
Named for the still-standing tavern (now a museum) built in Tuscaloosa in 1827, Duffie's Tavern served as a stagecoach inn and political headquarters during Tuscaloosa's capital days. The beer itself is a nod to old English ales of the mid-nineteenth century. Benefits the Tuscaloosa County Preservation Society.
Bitter Constituent (Capital: Montgomery, 2019)
An American IPA, that's golden, honey-colored with a vibrant, deeply floral, fruity nose, Bitter Constituent is rounded and soft on the palate. Benefits the Alabama Brewer's Guild.
Savor the flavors of Alabama's bicentennial!